【Introduction】 建造于20世纪20年代,这片独一无二的独特建筑,位于延安中路陕西北路。园区占地面积为3,700平方米。原先的主人是浙江商业储蓄银行总经理洪桢良先生。
Located on middle Yan'an Road and north Shanxi Road, the garden of the unique architectures was built in 1920's. The site area is 3,700 sqm. The owner of the garden was HONG Zhenliang, who used to be the general manager of the Commercial Bank of Zhejiang Province. 步入其中,仿佛穿越时间回廊,来到那个新旧交替,风雨飘摇的旧上海,厚重的历史感,充盈五脏六腑。
Walking in the garden, it is like passing through time and space, coming to the old Shanghai in the last century, with an overwhelming historic feeling. 兜兜转转,疑似时空变换,在英国乡村别墅中徜徉,自在惬意。
Walking around, you could have illusion of space-time transformation, standing in the British countryside villas, free and comfortable.
If you stop for a while, you feel you are in the Chinese traditional garden, happy and peaceful.
The buildings provide with unique spaces for the development of your brand and company. Also, the elegant shared spaces are perfect for hosting events, exhibitions and shows. 步行至静安寺地铁站或南京西路地铁站,约12分钟。It is 12 mins' walk to L2/7 Jing'an Temple, or L2/12/13 West Nanjing Road metro station.
Asking price: 12-13 yuan/day/sqm; 28 yuan/m/sqm for property management fee.
【Contact】Should you be interested,please feel free to contact us!chen (English & Mandarin)mobile: 18917040527You can call us during 09:00-21:00, alternatively you can send us a text message, an email or add us on WeChat. We shall be glad to discuss further details with you and understand your needs better. Cheers!
并肩战“疫” ,我们在行动!
支付宝:租办公室免押金 客服:189 1704 0527
袁岳博士—零点集团董事长; 飞马旅创始人