说起绿树成荫的长乐路,了解民国文学的人或许知道,这是一条有历史有故事的马路。When talking about the tree-lined Changle road, there were stories of Chinese famous writers of the last century.
张爱玲曾在这里小住,钱钟书在这里创作了《围城》,郁达夫和王映霞的爱情纠葛也在这里。今天介绍的沿街独栋项目,同样位于历史悠久的长乐路。ZhANG ailing ever lived here, QIAN zhongshu wrote the famous "Fortress Besieged" here, and YU dafu and WANG Yinxia's romance also took place right here. The building introduced today is also located on the historical Changle road.
The area size is about 1,550 sqm, with a garden of around 400 sqm. There are terraces also.
There are floors in total. The area size is 541 sqm, 441 sqm, 402 sqm and 230 sqm respectively.
It's about 12 mins' walk to both L2/7 Jing'an Temple, and about 10 mins' walk to L1/7 Changshu Road.
Should you be interested, please feel free to contact us! chen (English & Mandarin) mobile: 18917040527
You can call us during 09:00-21:00,
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an email or add us on WeChat. We shall be glad to discuss further details
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